First I am sorry for the long time without updates, I was back in Germany and got really busy there.
After articles published on Noonsite and Windpilot Blog about Webmailor, I got busy answering messages and fixing bugs.
By end of August I get more time working on Features and Bugfixes, sorry for the delay.
Here is a list of Bugfixes already released during the last weeks:
- Some Website URL’s were not recognized correctly by the system so users got no reply on Website requests
- When a PDF link was inserted, user got multiple Mails with an error message that PDF’s are not supported
- Some more complex websites where not fully returned as text
I am still working on the following Bugfixes:
- If a SSB Service is used, the max payload is 5kb per message. I am on to split requests into multiple Files for SSB users.
- Sometimes the preferred language for Google requests set in User Profile is not working for FR and ES users
I appreciate your feedback and support! If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact me.
Fair winds,