Sailing around the world as a Digital Nomad.
The Internet. Nearly everybody uses it on a daily basis. But there are still places on this beautiful world, where no internet connection is available. And there are huge areas where only expensive Satellite Data Plans are giving you access to Google, Websites and News.
While traveling the world as a Digital Nomad I was always struggling to make sure I have some Internet connection to write E-Mails or do research for work. It was a bit easier when I got access to Satellite E-Mail via the IridiumGo plan. But it’s limited to E-Mails and for every Google search or Website text, even News I had to write Family and Friends to send me the information.
During my traveling I met a ton of other people with the same problems, especially on a Sailboat or Camper out in the nowhere. This was the beginning of this project, and after some weeks of planning and development, Webmailor was born.

Mission & Vision
Provide cheap and easy internet access in remote places.
Find sustainable ways to connect people and offer easy to access services.
A promise from me to you
Living sustainable is a crucial factor for me to be part of the change, and protect our beautiful mother earth. Therefore I use for all my Projects (Websites, Platforms and Services) sustainable Providers if possible. At the moment only Google Cloud and the E-Mail Marketing tool are non-sustainable. I will compensate this with participating in and creating sustainable projects in the future. Join our community and let us shape together the tomorrow.
100% Green E-Mail AND Web-hosting by RAIDBOXES GMBH (&
Focus on Community solutions

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